发表日期:2020-05-23 浏览次数:2270 作者:满氏吉他
Dual Function Guitar bracing Introduction
一. 传统支撑与连接功能共存的音梁结构
Traditional bracing system with both support and connection function.
Above traditional bracing structure has no solid foundation on top, sides, and back. Whole guitar body is more or less like in a floating status. When one(or some) parts move against environment change, it(they) will bend/twist due to the change from its neighbor part.(especially the shrinkage of top and back),The result is whole body bend/twist and affect the original body structure design.,as well as guitar life time.
二. 满氏支撑与连接功能分开的双层音梁结构Mann’s innovation Dual function bracing system separating support and connection functions.
This innovated bracing design contain two parts: Connection function(1) and Supporting function(2) Two independent parts
When top or back shrink/twist due to the environment humidity Connection function does not move against the top movement.,Also won’t pull the sides according the movement.。In another hand, top and sides structurally limited by connecting part of bracing, they will be limited in changing dimension and protected then stretch less.
In the opposite way, when the guitar under standard tuning, body is under tension of the strings, the sides plate is subjected to folded into the center of guitar. The side plate on both sides will be inward or extended changes, resulting in a significant bending of the waist of the body. Changes in distance on both sides of the side plate will also simultaneously drive the top and/or the back plate to produce undesirable corresponding bump changes, which will also affect the normal natural working status of the panel and back (including their vibration and reflection). The support and pull-bidirectional function of the two-way connection layer part of the Mann's dual function bracing design is very helpful to reduce this two-way change of the side plate.
At the same time, because of the top, back, sides between them between the sound bracings, are glued together, forming an interconnected stable closed system. Top, back, sides plate, are no longer pasted on a suspended bracing structure, creates a stability of the body system.
Traditional bracing systems are like bridge models placed on the ground surface without the ground to hold the bridge pier. The scaling change slabs of the face and back plate will cause the left and right displacement changes of the side plate.
Mann's dual function system is the bridge structure that really stands on the ground. Whether it is the scaling change of the top and back plate or the change of the left and right displacement of the side plate, the effect on its adjacent components is very small.
Mann’s dual function bracing system, like OS of mobile phone, computer, is compatible with a variety of acoustic guitar structure platform, welcome to integrate into our system".
Mann's guitar